Opening Hours 10:00 AM to 11.00 PM

sub-title-vecIntro of Sugar & Spice, Indian Cuisinesub-title-vec

An Indian culinary journey infused with aromatic flavors and exotic spices.


Sugar & Spice is not just your ordinary Indian restaurant; it's a gastronomic experience that combines tradition with innovation. Nestled in the heart of the city, this culinary haven offers a delightful blend of authentic Indian cuisine in a modern and vibrant ambiance. What sets Sugar & Spice apart are its innovative features, including:

  • Robot Waitstaff
  • Gourmet Indian Cuisine
  • Interactive Dining
  • Exquisite Décor
  • Live Entertainment
  • Private Dining Options

“Sugar & Spice is where tradition meets technology, promising a memorable dining adventure that tantalizes all your senses”
